The Coalis Blog

Has Covid shrunk your perspectives?

Expanding our perspectives
Coaching to expand perspectives

For the last year, we have learned to live with the wide reaching impact of a pandemic. Sometimes that has felt like we have been fighting to get by and we have tried our best to follow the safety measures in place. We have had to limit all social contacts, reduce any kind of travelling and organise our home for both professional, educational and personal/family needs.  We’ve had to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe by isolating, following rules and living very simple lives.

Some good news is now coming, with the vaccine being deployed, and a step-by-step plan for easing the lockdown.

But our resilience has been highly tested, and the boundaries of our own world have now changed. We are left wondering… will things ever get back to how they were before?

One result is that a subtle shift has happened: we are shrinking our projects and we are limiting our dreams for the future.

Let’s just look at the summer holidays. Where would it be safe to go? Would it be possible to travel abroad? We might have developed a tendency to live safe and avoid taking too much risk. This could impact our plans for the summer holidays.

It also seems to be the case for bigger dreams, which may now seem too ambitious. Studying in a foreign country? Pursuing a career in a new city? Changing job right now? All these dreams and projects seem too ambitious. But what if this was exactly the right time for change?

Research has shown that the number of young people (20-30 years old) suffering from anxiety and depression has doubled in 2020. The main reasons are the lack of social interaction and freedom. Our overall mental health is declining.

Changing is always a challenging process. Our brain doesn’t like what’s unfamiliar. In addition to usual fears and limitations, we have added this ‘living safe’ mantra. How do we remove this perspective of our world? How do we envisage this pandemic as an opportunity to expand our world?

Let’s imagine 2022. The Covid vaccine will be part of a yearly immunisation program in the same way as the current flu vaccine. There is no reason not to start dreaming again. What did 2020 teach you about yourself? What do you want to achieve in 2022? What are your dreams?

If you’re imagining your future but just can’t see a way to make things happen, or need some help, support and guidance along the way, you don’t need to work all that out alone.

Let’s expand our perspectives again! Contact us!

16 March 2021
by Veronique Salle-Fertat

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